Thursday, 8 August 2013

Thankful Thursday and World Cat day

We sure are celebrating World cat day today since we have our own little world of cats here but we are also very thankful for knowing so many cats all around the world from this wonderful media of blogging. We also thank Ann of Zoolatry for this great graphic.

 I think what we will do to celebrate is send lots of purrs to all the kitties that are in shelters that they find a home really soon. 

Hi there., Mew Mew here and I am very thankful for this tiny piece of shade to get out of the bright sunshine that is very warm. We are all very thankful for a little roof over our heads and some nice food.
Have a happy World cat day today.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Wordless Wedneday

I have lost my head!!!
There it is!!!!
Wishing everyone a great Day.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tortie Tuesday

Hi there Missy here. And finally, I get to be on the blog. Why did I have to wait so long, who knows?? I mainly stay in the house and go out once in awhile to toss my cookies which I think is very nice of me to do. Probably my former owner taught me to do that. She was kind of mean.
It was just discovered that I do like to play with this Neko toy. I am not interested in any of the other toys around here and this is Mahoney's favorite toy too, so the Person just needs to order one for me too.
Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi there, Lucky here, and I am sharing this Mancat day with my buddy Mister. We are such good mancats, we don't go off, we stick around like glue. We are best buddies. 
 That Person lured us off the porch with treats which we are enjoying but look what happens. She takes pictures.
Hi there, Mister here and that Person gave us some treats to lure us out here for a better picture so I am telling her to please, pretty please, give us some more of those delicious treats. What is she waiting for?
We are so sorry that Clifford over at Furever Friends, had to go to the bridge yesterday, so please leave some nice thoughts for them.
We sure hope you have a treat filled Monday.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Little Bit here, and I am having one good nap on the Person's air conditioned jeans. She made the mistake of putting the clean jeans on the bed and I zeroed right in on them. They are so soft and worn out, they are comfy.
I see you taking pictures. But I am not getting up. I am way too comfy.
A very happy and Easy Sunday to all.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Tabby Saturday

Tabatha here and since we have so many tabby kitties here, we have to do Saturday too. I told that Person to wait just a minute while I get my furs ready for my blog appearance. She just has to be in a hurry. I do love to be on the blog and I never seem to make it on there.
So here you are you lovely kitties and peeps, my gorgeous tummeh which is so much fun to show off.  I just fall down and roll over so all can see my tummy.
Please do have a terrific day.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Feral Friday

Hi there, Momma kitty here and we have some sad news and that is that I have been gone for five weeks now and that is a very long time for me. I may miss a day or two but never more than 4 days. So the Person is very very sad and still holds out a little hope that she will come back. We think that when Bees cries at night, he is looking for her.
We aren't ready to do a tribute to her just yet.
Hi there, Tees here and I am one of Momma kitties sons along with Ohs and Bees and Orange Boyzo and Gertrude and Splitters. We miss her a lot. She was always telling us how to do things but she also was always glad to see us. 
Have a fabulous Friday.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi there, Mr Gunsmoke here, otherwise known as Smoke just wanted to announce some good news. My feet or I should say hooves are feeling a little better.  I am no where near better since the walls of my hooves are disintegrating which is not good but the Person thinks that all the medicine that I am getting is beginning to work.  So we sure do thank you so much for all the wonderful purrs and prayers. Even though I am not a cat.
Now if that silly Person could just move along, we could finish our din din which by the way is just delicious. See those nice shavings on the floor, they really help my sore hooves. They are so nice and soft. And there is my buddy, Joe over there having his din din too. We sure do thank everyone again for the wonderful purrs etc.
Have a fantastic Thursday.