Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hi there, Baby Doll here. I so need a home so if any of you know of anyone that needs a nice cat. I am in South Carolina and I am 7 years old and I am negative on those tests. I probably would be a little nervous with a bunch of other cats but seem to be interested in the cats around here.  I will sit in your lap too.
I am a good girl too. I don't bother or destroy anything. I am living in a room by myself and sure would like to have my own house and peeps. 
We sure are wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi there, Orange Boyzo here. This is one of those rare times I got to come in the house and enjoy Ande's bed. I think the person put those two mean ladies, Mahoney and Two Two in the bedroom and shut the door. But I really don't mind being outside at all. 

 This is my bed on the porch and it is very comfy. It has nice high sides so I can almost hide in it. Good to see all of you. 
Hope everyone has a good day even though it is Monday. 

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Easy like Sunday

Hi there, Mahoney here. Mom, just give me a chance to get my furs all straight before my nap. That darn Person, she is always in a hurry for the silly pictures. She sure doesn't hurry when it is time to eat. 
We sure hope all of you have a great day like Mahoney is having at the moment.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Jill is in need of a home

Hi there , Jill here. I am  a 3.5-year-old domestic longhair female. She's a very shy kitty. She's not a lap cat,  instead prefering to sit nearby and observe. Given the right forever home, though, she'll warm right up. She's current on all of her shots and tested negative for FIV and FeLV. Jill is residing in Maryland at the moment.
Hi there, here I am again. Jill is associated with the Alley Cat Rescue and they do such wonderful things for the feral cats. So they are one of my favorite rescues. It sounds like Jill just needs a patient person to go live with. It is so darn rewarding to help a cat that is shy because when they start trusting you, it is the best feeling in the world.

 If you're interested in adopting Jill, please contact Alley Cat Rescue at 301-277-5595 or acr@saveacat.org  So please think about giving this lovely cat a nice home. And spread the word if you would. 
Everyone try to have a really fun day. I know we are going to do just that.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Formerly Feral Friday

Hello there, Gertrude her in the front, Little Bit in the middle, Maggie in the back and Lucky on the blankie. We are all formerly feral except for Lucky and he just wandered in here and made himself right at home.
We do love having a great nap on Mom's bed. We do move over a little bit when she goes to bed.

And speaking of Feral cats, the Person was so excited last night. She opened the door to the porch and Momma kitty was on one of the chairs sleeping and didn't run off. It has taken her four years to get that comfortable. That silly Person did a little dance and  the good news is that she didn't hurt herself.
We sure are wishing everyone such a nice Friday.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Thankful Tabby Thursday

Hi everyone, Tees here. I finally came home and believe me I am so glad to be home. My favorite place for a nap is up here in the rafters. These are some old blankies that the ponies used to wear but the ponies are gone now.
Hi there Lucy. I sure did miss you while I was off for a long walk. Hope you are doing all right.We are just so thankful that our Tees came home.
Our Clematis vine is blooming and they are so pretty.
We sure hope everyone has the most terrific day.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Almost wordless Wednesday.

New toy, New toy.

New Toy New Toy
Look what the Person found. Yes, it is a four leaf clover for sure. It has a few split ends but it has four leaves for sure.
Everyone be sure to have a most wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Hanging Basket Tabby Tuesday

Ok, so here is the hanging basket that the Person put some mighty pretty flowers in.
So when she went back to do the other hanging basket, guess what?? We were growing cats and it's name was Tabatha. Mom, this is mighty comfy, just don't water me.
Hope all have a terrific day.

Monday, 22 April 2013

ManCat Monday

Hi there, Ohs here. I get to be the mancat of the blog today. I am enjoying this sun puddle and also the little bit warmer temps.
Hang on Mom, I have an itch. Sorry about that.
 We have an update to tell you now. My silly brother Tees has been gone for over three weeks and this morning he just came home looking very thin. The Person was so glad to see him and he is one hungry boy. He just needs to stay home now.
We sure hope you all have a great day. And Happy Earth day.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Just look at this, we have our very own apartment condo. We get to just pile up and take it all nice and easy.
That is me Maggie on the top and that silly Little Bit on the bottom. She loves her bottom bunk. 
And looky here, who came to visit all of us on our pond. The person was amazed that they let us get close enough to take a picture. They are too funny, they eat things off the bottom of the pond which means that their cute white butts stick straight up. 
Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Saturday fun

Hi there, Lucky here and I am having such a good time with this little shrimp of a pink toy. But I think it is fun anyway.
My other favorite thing is a box with lots of paper in it.It is great fun to get under the paper and hide. 
We are so excited that all those Police caught that bad Boston Bomber. Betcha there are a lot of sighs of relief.
Hope everyone has a terrific Saturday

Friday, 19 April 2013

Feral Cat Friday

Hi there, Momma kitty here on the mat and I am telling that Mewmew to mind her own business. We are sitting here under the tree where we usually eat. I am still very feral and will not let the Person touch me. BUT I am not mean. I follow the person everywhere she goes and will hang out with her. So I am the perfect example that feral kitties are not mean or dangerous. I just don't want to do  the snuggly part of life.
See I can be cutesy too. I like to roll around and sometimes I will play with the toys.  I had three litters of kittens before the Person tricked me into going into a carrier. She fed me in it for over a month and then one day she closed the door and off I went to the vet to get spayed. Our vet is terrific at getting feral kitties spayed and some shots. So please if you can, help the feral kitties if you have any around you. It is so worth it. 
Hope all kitties, doggies and feral kitties and the Peeps have a great day.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi there Splitters here. The person is thankful every day to look into Split's eyes and see how good they look. She was so sick and it sure is good to have her all better.
As you can see, I am looking pretty good. I am still skinny but I probably will be for awhile. Mom tries to feed me good food so I will gain weight eventually. Besides, I like being a slim gal.
Everyone did some good guessing yesterday. That was BG and it wasn't very fair of the Person to do that. She isn't on the blog very much and who can tell one black cat from another. Sorry Nellie, that it wasn't Kozmo.

We sure are wishing everyone a really nice day today.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Wordless Wednesday

See if anyone can guess who this is.
At one time we said she was like a miniature cat or like a little munchkin which really is a breed.
WE sure hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hello there everyone. Tabatha here and this is my day. BUT, I am giving the Person dirty looks since I was settling down for a nice nap.It is not often I get this chair of honor which is right beside the Mom when she is doing all her computer work.
Oh, all right, I will let  you rub my gorgeous tummy. I so love the tummy rubs. Can you tell??
We hope all of you get some good tummeh rubs today. Well maybe not the peeps.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Mischievous Monday

Look what the Person found one morning. This used to be a very nice wooden trunk that has been sitting there for as long as the donkeys have been living here. So do you think those donkeys did this or did we have a bear come by.
Hi there, Joe here peeking around the corner. Surely you don't suspect me of doing that damage. 
Here Mom, I will push it around a little more.  So what do you all think?? We didn't do this, did we?? There is no proof, well maybe a couple of hoof prints amongst the mess.
Happy Monday to everyone. Have a great day.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hello there, Little Bit here and I am having such  a good nap in my sun puddle. This is my sun puddle, I use it every morning.
I also like our new house toy. I love the see through back part. I think this might be my new favorite place.
And here is our new plant which is some kind of Columbine and the only reason the Person knows what it is is because it came with a tag.
We sure hope everyone's day is a very nice Easy day.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Saturday fun

Hello there, Mahoney here on the inside. We got this new kind of toy, house deal which is great fun. So, Mahoney, how is it in there?? It is really nice Two Two. That back is like our old tent, since it is a see through deal. No privacy in here for sure.
I am checking it all out to make sure it is all put together correctly.
And this is the back of our new house. See it is see through. I am not sure this is a good thing. Everyone can watch me while I nap or take a baff. But it is great fun to play in.

We sure hope all of you have a fun Saturday.

Friday, 12 April 2013

A fine Friday

Hi there, Mahoney here and I just wanted to show off what I am doing. That is a stranger holding my favorite toy and I am actually playing with her. Mom had friends came for her birthday so I just had to entertain them. I had such a good time with the strangers. Everyone else was UTB.
This nice lady was fun to play with. I just had to give her a look with my lazer eyes.  So I have just become a little social bug.
Wishing everyone a very fine Friday.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Ginger Tabby Thursday

Hello out there, Spit here. Just a small fact here, I am named Spit because when I was a small tyke, I would spit at the Person everytime I saw her. I don't do that any more, since she is in charge of our fuds. This little pot is the purrfect size for me.
Oh Hi there Mom. Why didn't you tell me you wanted some attention.
Every have a really fun day. It is your turn.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Two Two looking at the monster outside which of course is the Person
Oh COD, what is she doing out there.??

Thanks everyone so much for all the awesome Birthday wishes for our Person. She was just thrilled with all of it and that nice party that the Wild cat Woods Cats. It was a great day for the Old Lady.
We sure are wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hello out there, Mew mew here and Mom, there is something over there in the woods. Would you please come look??
I don't quite fit in this pot, but who cares. I can watch for those yummy bugs from here.
And the finale is my gorgeous tum tum. 
We are very busy today giving our Person lots of gentle head bumps since Great Cod, she is another year older. Now she really is so much older than dirt. Someone asked her last night, if she was there for the Civil war. She did not think that was funny.
We sure hope everyone has a really fun day today