Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New year's Eve

Bees here, and I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New year.

Spitters here and I am just waving at everyone wishing everyone a Happy New Year and also hoping everyone will behave tonight and stay safe.

Be happy

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Mahoney here on left and that is my Mom, Magnolia on the right and I did get here first. Why does she have to squeeze herself into this space with me. 

Hi there, Gertrude here in this comfy bed. Now if the camera person will just disappear until it is time to eat, all will be well with the world.

We sure do wish everyone a super Sunday

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Betsy needs a home.

BETSY is a brown and white tortie/tabby with pretty green eyes and a beauty mark on her muzzle. Her fur is ever so soft and plush, just made for stroking. She also enjoys being brushed. Sweet and calm by nature, she loves to sit beside you. The lucky person who adopts Betsy will be getting a jewel.
Domestic Short Hair/Torbie Mix: An adoptable cat in Asheville, NC
Betsy is so cute that I want her. So please please help find her a home. She just sounds like such a nice cat.Please pass the word around.

Contact my foster mom, Sarah (828-713-0325
Also there is a cat near Houston that needs a home in a hurry. Gracie the cat is in desperate need of a foster or forever home near Houston TX. She is pregnant and needs a safe place to deliver her kittens. Pictures are attached!
If you can help or know of someone who can help please call me (Kimberly) at 713-907-0411 or email me at Please forward this email to everyone you know!
 We sure are hoping everyone has a wonderful last week end of 2012.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Flashback Friday

Hi there, Mahoney here, our person just loves to look at my pictures when I was just a baby.  I am pretty darn cute.

You can see how little I was back in those days. 

We  are wishing everyone a great Friday.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Tabby Thursday

Hello everyone, Mew Mew here and I just wanted to say hello and show my winter furs. The furs are very very thick, so I have to lie down a lot. 
But these furs sure do keep me warm on these cold nasty days. And to top it all off, that darn Bees has taken over my hood. Mom put together several little houses and darned if he didn't come move in. So I have moved over to the barn. 
We sure are wishing everyone a great day.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Wordless Wednesday

We sure hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We had a really good one. A friend of the Person's gave us a wonderful cat tree and we are so excited about it.We just love this tree.There is room for four of us to get on here all at once. As you can see, Little Bit thinks she is Queen of the tree right now. Also, TwoTwo is determined to keep the old one which is fine.

We are wishing everyone a super day today. 

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas to one and all

All of us wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. As you can see Frosty is lying down on the job but that is all right, he needed a nap. 

Mahoney wanted to put her two cents in and Meow a big Merry Christmas to all of you. We send tons of love to everyone.

Hope Rudolph and Santa made it to everyone's house and that everyone has a fantastic day.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Mancat

Hi there, Khaki here. I cannot believe I let the Person do this to me. But I did want to get on here and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and we sure hope Santa is good to all of you.

Hi there, Black here and I am hugging Frosty. He came to visit us this morning and had a little silver vine on him thanks to our good friend Tutu over at Whisppy (Tutu), sent to us. So I was giving that Frosty a huge hug.

We sure wish all of our kittie, doggie and beans a very Merry Christmas. We hope it is such a wonderful day for everyone.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Easy like Sunday

Hi there, now we are all doing the Easy today. We are from left to right, Maggie, Little Bit and Mahoney. We are so pleased that Mahoney has joined us. 

Mahoney here and I am really getting into this Easy business. I just might have to do this all day. 
 We would like to ask you to please send our good friend Mr. Pip some purrs and prayers since he is a very sick boy right now and needs some prayers right now. Mr.Pip

We sure hope everyone is ready for Christmas because it won't be long now. We are so excited. We are going to watch out the window like Brian and Gracie. Hope everyone has such a good day. 

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Two kitties need home badly

Hi there MooMoos here and I am a lady cat that is 4 years old. I live here with my brother and our people have lost their home and have no where to keep us. You can read our whole story and where to contact our people at the link below our pictures. We live in Wisconsin, so please pass the word around 
Hi there, my name is Big Boy and I am MooMoos brother. I am 4 years old too. Be sure to check out the link below.
Blog about two cats that are desperate for a home.
 All the contact information is at that link if you should know anyone that might be interested in the two cats. 

Hi there Little Bit. Now who in the world is this. I didn't say that I wanted to share my place here. You look just like a donkey. Don't you belong out there in the barn?? Guess you were cold.

We sure hope everyone is behaving themselves so Santa comes to your house. Have a great day.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Flashback Friday

Hi there, Tabatha up here. My favorite thing to do is to get on the roof of the house. It makes the Person nervous but she is getting used to it now. 
I like to look cute up here too.

Joe, is singing Jingle Bells to everyone and wishing all you kitties, doggies and peeps a very Merry Christmas.
We sure hope every one has a fantastic Friday too.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Thankful Thursday

Look at this, Mom brought us our very own stocking so now we know that Santa will have somewhere to leave all our goodies.

Hi there, Khaki here in the front, and Orange Boyzo, next to me and there is our stocking for all of us outside kitties. It is right here where we eat, so we know that Santa will leave us lots of goodies to eat. 
Hi there, Bees here. I thought this Stocking was pretty interesting and they are all telling me, that a guy in a red suit is coming soon to fill the stocking up. Don't you think that all of us should have more than one stocking?? I do.I need to get the Mom working on that. 

We sure hope everyone has a terrific Thursday.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Bed and Black.

Black here, just looky here, I got the bed for a few minutes. I am not moving until I am really really hungry. 
Can you tell just how annoyed I am. Why do I have to share this bed with this character. He is cute but it is my turn in the bed. Guess he is one of those Rudolph characters.  Thank COD, this one doesn't sing.

Everyone calm down, Santa will be here soon, so be Good.

Monday, 17 December 2012

The Singing Rudolphs

This video is not very good but the Person thinks it is pretty funny just because it is so silly. 

Hope everyone has a great Monday. Are all you kitties being good??

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Tabatha here. I do like to take it easy and also do some of my Stretches. 
I am letting my brother Black share the bed with me. We do just love to take it really easy.

Hope all of you kitties and peeps have a really easy day.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

The Snoooopervisers

Hi there, Mahoney and Two here, and our job is to keep our eye on that Baby Doll in that room to make sure she is behaving herself. We just don't understand why the darn door is shut. We need to get in that room right now. 
Well we will just sit here until that door magically opens up. Come on Baby Doll, just come on out of there.
We all just want to say, that we send many many prayers and purrs to those poor people and parents of the children up there in Newton, Conn. 
Everyone have a great day and hug your children and the cats and dogs too. 

Friday, 14 December 2012

Formerly Feral

Hi there, Little Bit here. This is an older picture of me in the cubby hole. I am still just a little feral but getting better all the time. 

And here I am now. This Bed that I am in has a cute story. It sat in the kitchen and Mom moved it into the bedroom and now there is a lineup to get a turn in it. Yesterday, Black was in the bed, and Maggie was right beside it waiting for her turn. 


In case you haven't heard, Otis did find a home. Whooo Hooo. We sure are happy. That is one great Christmas present for us.

Hope all have a really fun day. Don't forget to smile.  

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Thankful Thursday

Hi there Ande here, and we have so many things to be thankful for. One of the many things I am thankful for is this new toy that I carry everywhere I go. It is nice and soft and it squeaks too. Santa came a little early for me since we lost Jasmine this year.
We are so thankful for all of our Christmas cards and this is just one of them and the rest are or will be on the side bar. It is so much fun seeing all the different cards and Pip is one of our favorite bloggers anyway. 
And we are all very thankful for our Neko toy. We spend the day begging the Person to play with the Neko fly with us.

Now we all want to be thankful for one more thing. This is Otis in the picture and he needs a home so badly. Our Person wants so bad to take him but as everyone knows, we are a little crowded here. She thought about it long and hard yesterday, so if someone will just give him a home, we will ALL be so thankful and so will Otis. Otis needs a home You can read more about him at that link.   So Please Please someone give him a home.

Everyone Take care and please help find Otis a home.


Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Wordless Wed.

In case you can't see the small print it says
When you learn to walk and run, we can chase cats.

Everyone have a fantastic day.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Mahoney was a star

Hi there Mahoney here and I was a star this week end and our Mom was so proud of me. We had guests come visit and they came right in the house. But they are cat people too so it didn't take long for me to come out of the bedroom very slowly. But one of the gals had my favorite Neko toy, so I just couldn't stand it. (Mom here, she was so good. I was so pleased that she came out and didn't run back)
My Mom Maggie came out too and then Joanne went in the bedroom and sat on the bed and Maggie even let her rub her belly. She was a good girl too.

Hope everyone remembers to smile at someone today. Have a happy day.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Big (little) Surprise

Hi there Mahoney and Two Two and we had this huge surprise but the tree is small which is just right. A good friend sent to us this live Spruce tree and it came in a box, can you imagine?? The person was so pleased and the two of us have really never seen a real tree. It smells pretty good too. So now Santa can come and leave our presents but we will have to fix a bigger place since there are so many of us.
See the pretty decorations and it even has lights on it. Rudolph thinks it is pretty special too. I am examining a red star and it is very pretty and has a good smell which is very important.

OK, all kitties, better behave so Santa comes to see you.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Easy like Sunday

Hi there, Little Bit here with Two Two keeping me nice and warm. This is an unusual situation. The two of us don't usually snuggle up. But it is nice.

Just look at that, I am over lapping. If only that Two Two would find her own ham-mick. 

We are just hoping all of you kitties have a nice easy Sunday.