Friday, 4 October 2013

used portable buildings 116

used portable buildings maximize in many places in the UK to sell the use of the Council and a limited amount of space. A portable website company offer solutions for many problems that can occur in numerous companies. Portable Office offers a comfortable and safe working environment refers to most places. 

Temporary portable Office a valuable asset for companies that have a highly efficient work environment occur, in many machines and top quality, and often a portable Office really delivered for customer satisfaction and the location for immediate use. Portable Office, the capacity of the limited space and facilities, with ease and comfort. Various portable office units for businesses with an array and a number of applications, including not only Office space but canteen, sleeping area and offer a safe and comfortable meeting rooms. Portable Office each functional and professional can and should be based on the growing Corporation and helps productivity and expansion in a rapidly growing company is based.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Thankful Thursday and World Cat day

We sure are celebrating World cat day today since we have our own little world of cats here but we are also very thankful for knowing so many cats all around the world from this wonderful media of blogging. We also thank Ann of Zoolatry for this great graphic.

 I think what we will do to celebrate is send lots of purrs to all the kitties that are in shelters that they find a home really soon. 

Hi there., Mew Mew here and I am very thankful for this tiny piece of shade to get out of the bright sunshine that is very warm. We are all very thankful for a little roof over our heads and some nice food.
Have a happy World cat day today.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Wordless Wedneday

I have lost my head!!!
There it is!!!!
Wishing everyone a great Day.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Tortie Tuesday

Hi there Missy here. And finally, I get to be on the blog. Why did I have to wait so long, who knows?? I mainly stay in the house and go out once in awhile to toss my cookies which I think is very nice of me to do. Probably my former owner taught me to do that. She was kind of mean.
It was just discovered that I do like to play with this Neko toy. I am not interested in any of the other toys around here and this is Mahoney's favorite toy too, so the Person just needs to order one for me too.
Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi there, Lucky here, and I am sharing this Mancat day with my buddy Mister. We are such good mancats, we don't go off, we stick around like glue. We are best buddies. 
 That Person lured us off the porch with treats which we are enjoying but look what happens. She takes pictures.
Hi there, Mister here and that Person gave us some treats to lure us out here for a better picture so I am telling her to please, pretty please, give us some more of those delicious treats. What is she waiting for?
We are so sorry that Clifford over at Furever Friends, had to go to the bridge yesterday, so please leave some nice thoughts for them.
We sure hope you have a treat filled Monday.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Little Bit here, and I am having one good nap on the Person's air conditioned jeans. She made the mistake of putting the clean jeans on the bed and I zeroed right in on them. They are so soft and worn out, they are comfy.
I see you taking pictures. But I am not getting up. I am way too comfy.
A very happy and Easy Sunday to all.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Tabby Saturday

Tabatha here and since we have so many tabby kitties here, we have to do Saturday too. I told that Person to wait just a minute while I get my furs ready for my blog appearance. She just has to be in a hurry. I do love to be on the blog and I never seem to make it on there.
So here you are you lovely kitties and peeps, my gorgeous tummeh which is so much fun to show off.  I just fall down and roll over so all can see my tummy.
Please do have a terrific day.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Feral Friday

Hi there, Momma kitty here and we have some sad news and that is that I have been gone for five weeks now and that is a very long time for me. I may miss a day or two but never more than 4 days. So the Person is very very sad and still holds out a little hope that she will come back. We think that when Bees cries at night, he is looking for her.
We aren't ready to do a tribute to her just yet.
Hi there, Tees here and I am one of Momma kitties sons along with Ohs and Bees and Orange Boyzo and Gertrude and Splitters. We miss her a lot. She was always telling us how to do things but she also was always glad to see us. 
Have a fabulous Friday.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi there, Mr Gunsmoke here, otherwise known as Smoke just wanted to announce some good news. My feet or I should say hooves are feeling a little better.  I am no where near better since the walls of my hooves are disintegrating which is not good but the Person thinks that all the medicine that I am getting is beginning to work.  So we sure do thank you so much for all the wonderful purrs and prayers. Even though I am not a cat.
Now if that silly Person could just move along, we could finish our din din which by the way is just delicious. See those nice shavings on the floor, they really help my sore hooves. They are so nice and soft. And there is my buddy, Joe over there having his din din too. We sure do thank everyone again for the wonderful purrs etc.
Have a fantastic Thursday.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Two Two is always losing her tail!!!
There it is!!!
Everyone, please have a wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hi there Mahoney here. Now why is that Person taking pictures of my pink pads? I am so embarrassed, I just couldn't look. 
And here I am crossing my paws for all of those that are sick, especially that Abby of Manx News. Abby is having a hard time and needs some extra purrs.
We sure hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi there, Bees here. I just wanted to check in with all of you since you were so kind to send purrs etc and let you know that I am doing much better. I am feeling a lot better but I am still a little wobbly and may be that way for a very long time. But the good news is that I am getting used to being inside with the exception of missing my brothers, Tees and Ohs.
But the person doesn't want to bring Tees or Ohs in since it will probably freak them out. I am trying to make friends with some of these cats that are in here already. I think Little Bit is very pretty but for some reason she hasn't taken to me yet. I stay in my bathroom all day and come out in the rest of the house at night and roam around and do a lot of talking. If I shake my head too much, I do fall down but that doesn't happen often. So now I am just a special needs cat. Nothing wrong with that.
Have yourselves a great day.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Splitters here and I am having the most wonderful Easy that one can have. I am very comfy.
Hi there, Gertrude here and I am Splitters sister and I too know exactly how to take it easy. I love a really good nap.

We were very excited to win this nice award from The cat on my Head . We were thrilled that we were chosen to get an award. 
Have a super Easy Sunday.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Tiny Box Saturday

Hi there Mahoney here in this tiny box. The Person just knew we would try to get into it.
And guess who is trying to get in on the act. And that would be Two Two. But I held on to my box. She will just have to wait her turn.
Maggie here, and I took a turn in the tiny box too. I am crossing my paws for any doggie or kitty is not feeling well right now in hopes that they feel better soon and for our Donkey Smoke.
Have a super Saturday

Friday, 26 July 2013

Flashback Friday

Hi there, Maggie here and I am Mahoney's mom. This is just a couple of days after that Person trapped me and brought me home. I was a wild lady and would hiss and spit at that Person. 
Hi there Maggie here. Bet we don't look like the same cat but we are. I have come such a long ways.And I am so glad to be an inside cat. I don't ever even think about going out side.
Here I am playing with my daughter, Mahoney when she was still a kid. Mahoney was the only kitten that the person could rescue and darned if we didn't remember each other after being apart for almost a month.That is me, Maggie on the far side. 
UPDATE on BG.  She finally ate a little bit this morning. Whoooo Hooooo. 
Have a most fabulous Friday.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

BG on Thursday

Hi there BG here and I am having a good time rolling around in the dirt. I have gotten myself a little sick which seems to be the theme around here. We like to keep the Person on her toes at all times. Anyway I stopped eating and had to go to the vet yesterday to see what is wrong with me and they couldn't find anything in particular so they gave me some fluids and some steroids. I hadn't eaten in about three days. 
I have started to eat a little tiny bit. I would really like to go outside but the Person says I cannot go out until I eat more food. 
Have a terrific Thursday

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Some words Wednesday

Hi there, Smoke here. We thought we would catch you up on the donkeys. I am the donkey that has the very sore feet right now. So we both have to stay in jail. My feet don't seem to be showing any improvement as hard as the Person has been trying. She gives me three different kinds of medicine a day, she ices my feet and we have just ordered some special stuff to pack my feet to help take the inflamation away. So maybe some purrs would work. Who knows. 
This was taken a long time ago and just shows our silly Joe. You know how it is, we love to make people smile.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Tabby TuesdaY

Hi there, Mahoney here in my cozy box. Mom has a new chair and she put this box in the chair to keep us out of the chair. I mean, really, this new chair needs to match the rest of the wrecks around here, doesn't it?? So I just pushed the box off and got right into it.
This really is a good spot to have a nap and I am a little bit hidden. With the flaps on the box still there, it really is a nice soft bed. Very comfy.
And here I am in the new chair. Don't I just look like Queen Mahoney.
Have yourselves one terrific Tuesday.

Monday, 22 July 2013

3 Mancat Monday

Hi there, Mister here, and I am the last animal that moved up here with the Person when she moved from Charleston to Anderson. So I guess I am the oldest geiser around here. I am still doing fairly well even though I am getting up in the years. 
Hi there, Lucky here and Mister and I hang out together all the time. We have the same color furs and we are both senior cats so we spend most of our life napping and eating. Nothing wrong with those activities. I just wandered in one day all neutered etc. so our guess is someone left me.
Hi there, Black here and here I am looking all handsome. I do enjoy hanging out inside but like the outdoors too. I am Spitters, Khaki and Tabatha's brother. We were found under the hood of a car at the wee age of about 4 weeks. The Person took us in because the peep that found us said they would pay for our food and to be spayed and neutered.
There is a very nice new blog that was just started. Take a look. Purr Therapy Blog
Have a most marvelous Monday.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Easy like Sunday

Hi there, Maggie here and just what was it that you wanted??? I am so trying to have a nap.
Hello, Little Bit here and Maggie and I are pretty good friends. We also love to take it easy together on Sundays.
We sure hope all of you have an easy Sunday

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Saturday Group

Here is part of our large group.  The Person goes outside when it isn't too hot and sits in her swing and so a lot of us come join her.. Ande of course in the middle, Lucky here right beside Ande and Ohs wondering what is going on over there and Khaki having a snack. BG , here on the swing with the purrson so you can't see me.

Khaki, is now taking a baff after his snack. 
Happy Weed End to all.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Formerly Feral Friday

Hi there, Tees here. I had my mom so worried, I went off for over a week and I just came home all skinny and as you can see, very very hungry. I was scarfing down the food. I am so glad to be home. 
Here I am on the left and Splitters in the middle and Orange Boyzo on the right. It was so nice of them to join me for a nice breakfast.
Guess I had better take a little breath between mouth fulls. It is so good  to have food. I don't understand why I go off for so long. 

Update on Tees, he is staying home at the moment. I wish I could bring him into the house to keep Bees company. But we know he wouldn't like that.
Everyone have a very Happy Day