Friday, 30 November 2012

Feral Cat Friday

Hi there Tees here and I am having such a good roll in the dirt. I am just getting dirt all over me and that feels so good. Hi there Lucy, sorry I am so covered in good ole dirt.  Don't forget that feral kitties can make great friends and good friends too. 
Now if I could just get that camera turned off, I would much happier. I will just cover my eyes and then roll some more in this great dirt. 
OK, folks, the Auction will be over tomorrow, Saturday night, so get your bids in.AUCTION
A new friend of ours, whose name is Otis, had to have a serious operation on his hip and needs a little help. Here is a link that tells all about it 

They also have a great blog that is very very funny.  It is here.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Tuxedo Thursday

Hi there, Two Two here and I am the Person's assistant. You see, I have control with my paw. I sit here and watch her all the time she is on the computer. I have to make sure the blogging gets done correctly. 
Just look at this, I had to get both paws up on the desk. That Person gets out of control sometimes and needs some discipline every now and then. Besides, every now and then a treat appears on that notebook. Mom tried to put a video of me on You Tube and that darn place will not behave. So that will have to wait for anohter day.

Our very good friend Judi Bug left us yesterday and we are all so very sad. She was one of the Person's good friends. But now at least she is not in pain any more.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Book review, Purrs of Wisdom

 This book is a collection of great lessons that Ingrid King learned from living with her cats and I can so relate to that. Cats are just the best teachers as far as how to deal with life and that is how Ingrid writes this book. 
Our good friend Ingrid King wrote another book call Buckley's story which I thoroughly enjoyed. So I was very  excited when she wrote her second book and couldn't wait to read it and I was not disappointed at all. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

This book is a collection of great lessons that Ingrid has learned in the trip through life. One thing that is very evident in the book is her love for cats so she is definitely a cat person. Every chapter ends with how the cats helped her through different situations. 

This would make a super present for anyone that likes cats. Two Two here, and I just want to know why this cat is staring at me. This looks like a good book, Mom. That is a pretty cat for sure.

I highly recommend this book as a great read. 

 We have more new items on the Auction. Do take a look. 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Tortie Tuesday

Hi there, Splitters here. I am sitting next to the Person and helping her watch the TV. I have to make sure she understands what is going on on the Tube. I like to do this a lot.
I give up, this is pretty darn boring, so I am going to take a nice nap here. I fit just right in here beside Mom's leg.

Please take a look at the auction. It will be ending this coming Sat. Dec.1st.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Toby needs a home.

Hi there, Toby here. I live in Southeastern, Ontario. I have been coming here to this nice house for three years now for the excellent food. The nice lady from Fuzzy Tales  would really like to find a nice home for me since it is soooooo cold outside. I have been neutered and I am probably 5 or 6 years old. There is more information about me over at Fuzzy Tales .  

So please could everyone pass the word around about me especially if you know anyone living in that vicinity. As you can see, I am a healthy boy.  Just let our Person know if you know anyone that might can help me find a home and she will give you the Fuzzy Tales person's email.   
Please take a look at the great auction going on right now. Auction
Also a good friend of the CB, is having some medical problems with his eyes and really needs some help. So if you could just spare a dollar or two, he sure would appreciate it. It is Kiril, with his furry friends Professor Nikita and Miss Elvira have an amusing and often off-beat blog ... Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.  He also hosts the Carnival of Cats on the CB. 
He has a donate button on his blog
Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat  You can click this and get there.
Hope all have a great Monday and a great week. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Mahoney here in front and Maggie being squished. Maggie, I got here first and along comes that daughter of mine and just moves in. But it is kind of nice and warm this way. 

Hi there Two Two here, and I was trying to have a nap. Oh, by the way do you like the way I am decorating this tree. I have been frilling the edge. Bet there isn't a word like that any where. 

Be sure to check out the auction. There still lots of items without bids. We will continue the auction until Saturday, Dec. 1st. Auction

Wishing everyone a super Sunday

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Saturday fun

Hi there. Baby Doll here. I am finally learning how to play with toys. this rope is one of my favorites. And please don't forget, I still need a home. This home is fine but it gets a little boring being all by myself in this room . I am 8 years old and have tested negative. I am a really nice cat. I have even jumped up into the Person's lap
I even like to wear the rope sometimes. Try to pass the word around that I would really like to have a whole house to live in. I promise to be good. 
Don't forget about the Auction.

Everyone have a really fun day. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Formerly Feral Friday

Hi there, Mahoney just popping up to come see all of you. I do love my tunnels. I was captured young enough, so I am not really a feral kitty. Maggie, my Mom didn't have time to teach me to be afraid. So if kittens get caught soon enough , they will be adoptable, but that Person would never adopt me to someone. She couldn't possibly survive without me.
Hi there, Maggie here. I am a feral kitty. I am pretty darn tame but if the Person moves too fast around me, I get really nervous. But I usually forgive her pretty darn quick. I do love to cuddle and also love to play with the toys.
This is our Christmas cactus. It must know that Thanksgiving is over. We sure hope everyone had a good day yesterday.
Don't forget to check out the auction. There are some neat new items on there. Auction

Sure hoping everyone has a great day. Are you out shopping today?Not us.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

OK, dukes up you Turkey, you.

This is an old picture but I laugh every time I see it. Too funny. Just where is that Turkey?

OK, Mom just where is our Thanksgiving dinner??
There it is. Finally  we got something to eat We are so very thankful for everything that we have. We have food and a roof over our cute little heads. And the Person is pretty neat too. And we are especially thankful for all of our super blogging friends, both Kitties, doggies, goats and peeps.
We sure do wish everyone the best of Thanksgivings.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Be sure to check out the auction. Some more new items on it AUCTION

We sure hope everyone out there has a great day

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Tabby Tuesday

Hi there, Tabatha here. Mom, I was having a nice nap, what in the world are you doing??? You want to do what, Clean the sink. I don't think so right now.
I am telling you, NOT right now. I am busy napping. So just talk to the paw.

Don't forget to check out the auction. There has been more items put on it and more to be added this morning. Auction

Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Mancat Monday

Hi there Spitters here. I will not open my eyes for that darn camera. I was having a great nap and I refuse to wake up.

Hi folks, Khaki here and see, I am looking much better. I am enjoying Ande's bed too. Mahoney can't have it all the time. Oh and by the way, I am Spitters's brother. But we don't get along like Tees, Bees and Ohs. 
The Auction is up and running. There are tons and tons of great stuff so please go take a look. And more items being added every day. Auction  Have fun looking.

Hope everyone has the best day.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Easy like Sunday

   First we so want to thank our friend Ann over at Zoolatry  for our great new header. She surprised us and what a great surprise it was. We just couldn't wait to put it up and we will just celebrate Christmas a little longer.

Hi there, Little Bit here on the left, and here I am, Mahoney in the middle, and here I am Maggie in front. That sneaky Mahoney got the middle position so she is nice and warm. The Person calls us the Three Muskateers. 
We do enjoy snuggling together. Please excuse the dirty chair. Too many animals have sat in this chair. 

We have some very sad news. Bernie, the rabbit over at Whisppy is going to have to go to the bridge on Monday Morning. He has a lump near his mouth and eye. He has also had one of his hind legs amputated. So please go leave some nice purrs for the Mom and Bernie.  Whisppy

We sure are wishing everyone a super Sunday.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Some Saturday Fun

Our good friend Kem, bought a nice new bed for Ande. Poor Ande has never had a bed of her very own. So here she is on her bed. But just take a gander of who wormed her way next to Ande and liking the bed herself. That would be Miss Mahoney.
So NOW look what has happened. Maggie moved onto the bed too. So as I was afraid, the cats have taken over the bed. So the Person needs to work on this so Ande can have her bed back. The problem is that Ande has to be within 3 inches of the Person at all times.  And the bed is not on wheels. 

We sure hope all of you have a really fun week end.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Mish Mash of stuff

At the CB, we are going to start an auction for our friend Jeanne who is always taking in kittens etc. to foster and then helps to find them homes. She just recently took in some kittens and their Mom for Chrystal over at The calico kittens and their Mom . There is a great picture of them there. 

We mainly need items donated to the auction for now. We are going to start the auction on Monday, November 19th. To donate items, please send Marg an email at with a picture, a short description, and a starting bid.
Hi there. Tees and Bees here doing our tail thing. The Person tried to get all three of us doing their tails but we wouldn't cooperate. 

 Hope everyone had a wonderful Friday.

Please don't forget about the fundraiser for the animals that were in Hurricane Sandy. They have collected 1100 green papers so far so they don't have far to reach their goal of $1500.00. The link to the original post with the names of the shelters etc is here 
Link to post about fundraiser.  That will give you the link to the donation place too. Thanks to everyone that has already donated.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Thankful Thursday

Here I am on top of the bed and not under it. The Person is so thankful that I am getting better so fast and that I am being such a good boy. My wounds are draining like crazy now, so that is good. 
Look at those huge paws. All the better to get that someone that got me but Mom lectured me and said I couldn't do any more fighting. Actually I am really liking living in the house. We forgot to tell you that my right eye is hurt too. Guess you can see that it is squinting. It all red around the edge of it. 
I am even better this morning. Most of the swelling is gone. We are also very thankful for all the nice purrs. They have really helped me. 

Hope everyone has a terrific day.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This is a video of Girl Kitty. Mom has to take Khaki to the vet this morning since he was gone for four days and has a big hard lump on his head and something on the side of his cheek.

We will update a little later.
Well Khaki is home from the vet, the poor thing. He is now hiding UTB. He had to kind to have surgery on his head to open all the abscesses. They had to wrap his head to come home.
As you can see he didn't want anyone to see him like this. I took the bandage off and that isn't much better. 
I kind of wish they hadn't done so much cutting but too late now. I guess it all needed to drain.  
We sure hope everyone has a great day.