Thursday, 31 January 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi there, Lucky here in the box. And that darn Two Two is trying to talk me out  of the box. I have news for her, I am not moving.
Bet you thought I wouldn't fit in this box. Also this box has a bunch of toys in it so I am protecting the toys too. I showed that Two Two. She can go find her own box. I am so thankful for boxes. 

As usual, we want to remind you about the auction. AUCTION

Also don't forget to get your pictures in for the circus. You can read all about it here. The pictures have to be in by Feb. 1st which is tomorrow. Circus Info
We had so much fun with Puddles and Pip yesterday and we sure are glad they came to see us. 
We hope all of you have a fantastic day.  

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Mr. Pip And Puddles come to visit

Here they come. Oh my gosh, they almost ran over Smoke. Or are they racing Smoke? Who can tell with Puddle's driving. Hold tight Pip. Oh we are all so excited that they are here.
We just wanted everyone to see us with the donkeys.They really are nice donkeys and so far haven't chased us. They usually do chase dogs but I think our driving scared them a little bit.
Smoke is so exhausted, he had to take a little nap. Maybe we will join him. Then it will be time for  a snack.
Mom, there they are and they aren't chasing us. Looks like they brought their own snacks. Wonder if they will let us have some beer. That would be great fun. That sure was nice of them to bring their own snacks.

We sure did enjoy have Pip and Puddles visit us. Smoke did finally get Puddles under control and gave her a lecture about her driving. 
Pip, we sure do send you tons of purrs and some mighty big hee haws too. Drive carefully to your next destination. 
We want to thank the doggies and kitties over at Alasandra's doggies and kitties   for their help with our pictures.

Don't forget to check out the auction for that cute doggie, Sallie.
We are wishing everyone a mighty fine Wednesday. 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hi there Mahoney here. I just love my neko spider. At least that is what I call it. I take it every where with me and give it bath two or three times a day in the water dish.So it is nice and clean.
Sometimes, it tries to get away from me and I have to reel it back in. I don't know why it wants to be on the cat tree but I am taking it down. 
Don't forget about the auction. There are two more items going on there this morning. AUCTION
We sure hope everyone has a really fun day today.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Circus is coming to town

 This all sounds like such a fun thing to do and it sure does benefit a lot of doggies and kitties. And the best part it is not expensive. Be sure to read all about all the fun things they are going to have. A kissing booth. The ladies here can hardly wait for that one.
As you can see, Gertrude is ready to be kissed.

And Mahoney is in the contortionist event.

So be sure to read through all this and get ready to go to the circus. You do have to get some of the pictures in by Feb. 1st. 

February 15 and 16

Ring Masters are Roo, Sallie, Pip, Puddles, Frankie you may click on any of their names above for details
The Ring Masters have provided the below information for the event.

THE CIRCUS is Coming to town.... Friday and Saturday    February 15 and 16
YES... the BIG TOP is COMING....... with SIDE SHOWS GALORE.... PREPARE yourselves to be Dazzled and AMAZED and filled with LAUGHTER and fine FOODABLES. 
You will need to get your TICKETS/FOLLOW this Blog... You can get there NOW.      BUT just to take a LOOK....  the circus won't actually ARRIVE there until 2/15/13  
What will be IN the BIG TOP BLOG???    ($1.00 admission for each)
Dunking Tank...
House Of Mirrors
Kissing Booth
Carnival Games
and... a Fortune Teller
AND in the SIDE SHOWS you will find    (TOTALLY FREE to All)
FUReak Show
Carnival Rides
and a Stuffie Tamer/Trainer act
                                                         COME ONE.... COME ALL....
                                                         COME Short and Come TALL
And the best PAWt... besides the FUN and Food... will be that you will be able to LEND a PAW to help some of our Beloved Furends... Admission to the BIG TOP events will have a very small Fee... and the FUNds Collected will be going to help Sallie Marie... and Turien... and Marg.
BUTT WAIT.... there IS More.... see we know that FUNds are not real easy to come by... and sooooo we are gonna give you totally FREE admission to All of the SIDE SHOW attractions... Just fur lending as much help as you can. It is gonna be the BIGGEST and BESTEST BARGAIN in all of Blogville's HISTORY...
Isn't that the most EXCITING Thing EVER??? Now we know you are wondering... WHO is putting all this ON??? Well folks here is the list of Cast and CREW... with blog addys for each...
          BIG TOP   CIRCUS BLOG Only EVENTS    ( $1.00 Admission required)
House of Mirrors by ASTA
Dunk Tank by Puddles
Contortionists by Mayor Madi
Carnival GAMES by Roo
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally
          SIDE SHOW    Attraction Events...      FREE for ALL....
FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon
Carnival RIDES by Sallie
Stuffie Tamer by Frankie F.
Our MUSICAL Director is Sweet William the SCOT
                Friday FEBRUARY 15th. and Saturday FEB. 16th.
DEADLINE NOTICE.... SOME... not all events will need for you to send a picture...or leave a special comment on the HOST's Own blog.... the individual hosts will let you know what is needed from YOU
           Friday         FEBRUARY 1st. 
      PeeS........   there will be MUCH MORE information coming your way....    in FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS....    There will be a Give AWAY and a BIG... MYSTERY to help solve..
   STAY TUNED... and be ready to be   DAZZLED and AMAZED  TRULY ENTERTAINED.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Easy Like Sunday

Hi there, Ande here, and my bed is getting very crowded. We had a really cold day on Friday so most of the kitties were inside. That is Tabatha beside me and Orange Boyzo looking at you. There wasn't a seat left in the house.
Sure hope no one else tries to join us. There just isn't room.
Be sure to take a look at the auction. It is going to end a week from Mon. which is Feb. 4th. So get your bids in.  AUCTION
Hope everyone has a safe and fun Sunday


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Donkey sighting

Hi there, Joe here in the front and Smoke there behind me. Mom came to pay us a visit. She was wandering around looking for cold kitties that might be hungry and so came to give us a scratch, not cat food.
Look Smoke, I got the cat food. That silly woman put her container down with the cat food and we can scarf  it up if I can get it open. Darn it all, she took it away. We love cat food.
Don't forget about the auction for that cute Sallie. Lots of great items. Sallie's Auction
Hope everyone has a warm and great day.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Feral Friday

Hi there, Girl kitty on my way down to my board where I eat my meals. I go very slowly and put my paws on the little part of the fence that sticks up. Mom tried to get me to look at her. What is she, nuts or something.??
I am going as fast as I can, Mom. I have to be very careful. I will be there in just a few minutes.
There are a few more items on the auction so please take a look..
Wishing everyone a fantastic Friday. 

Thursday, 24 January 2013

We sort of have a new sister

Hi there, my name is Tutu and I live in Malaysia.Our blog is Whisspy I am a really long ways from my Godmamma. But I did sort of want to meet Two Two. It seems that we are a lot alike in that we love to get into trouble. As you can see I am a Tortie and Two Two is a Tuxie. 
Hi there Tutu, we are all so excited to get to meet you. We heard that our person is your Godmomma. We will sure get her to send you some treats or something. We need to find out about the customs.
I keep hoping  something is in there. Maybe Tutu can find something in there.
Hi there all you cats. I am your new God sister and I am proud of it. Two Two and I are off to see what kind of trouble we can get into. We will take Mahoney with us.  Anyone want to go with us??
Be sure to check out the auction. There are more new items.
Hope everyone has a terrific Thursday

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Wordless Wednesday

The Person took this picture a while back and doesn't know quite how Mahoney got her  head in that position. I think her front paws are upside down
This picture was taken at the very same time.

The auction is still going on and lots more items being added this morning.Take a look.
We sure hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

A Tuxie and Tortie

Hi there, Two on the left and Missy on the right. Usually that Missy doesn't let any of us get near her without her spitting, hissing and chasing us. So I am not looking at her in hopes she doesn't see me. Do you think she sees me??
Ok, I will take a peek and see if she is still there. She is, and now what do I do?? Guess  I quietly sneak off. Wish me luck.
We have such a good auction going on right now, lots and lots of great items and more being added today.
Take a look
Also this really nice graphic here and on the auction was done by Jan's Funny Farm

Hope everyone has a great day.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi there Orange Boyzo here. Mom has been hoping I would come in the house to get warm in this cold weather and I finally did. I just don't like all these girl cats. They are wild. But I made myself comfy on Ande's bed and took a nice long bath in the warm house. 
Now I am all nice and clean for a belleh picture. It is so nice to be warm for a few minutes. That darn Little Bit chases me. She isn't very nice.
The Auction is ready to get started for Miss Sallie girl. We will still be putting items on today but there are lots of great items on there right now. Take a look. Auction for Sallie
Hope all kitties, doggies and Peeps have a great day. Stay warm.


Sunday, 20 January 2013

Easy like Sunday

Hi there, Little Bit here and Lucky next to me. We used to be great friends and since Lucky started staying inside with all the cold weather, we have found each other again. It is hard to tell but there is a great sun puddle here and that is why there is a towel here. 
We are taking it easy too. Maggie on the left and Mahoney on the right. It is so warm to snuggle together.

Our good friend Snowball over at Wild cat Woods Cats got really sick yesterday and had to have a lot of stuff done to him. So please go over and send some purrs. They also have a chip-in on their side bar if you have any spare green papers.
Hope everyone has a really nice Sunday.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Julia needs a home

Julia is a refined and elegant name, and they couldn't have chosen a better name for me! I'm an adult Calico sweetheart. I'm a shy gal at heart, so you'd have to show me a lot of patience as I learn my way with you. I do like other cats, but those four-legged things that bark...well...let's just say those I could do without! I also have a special diet of only canned cat food, but the occasional kitty treat would be most appreciated too!

Isn't she so pretty and is an older cat so she really needs a good home. Please help us find her a home. I would love to take her but as everyone knows, our inn is full.

Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • Prefers a home without: dogs • Primary colors: Orange or Red, Black • Coat length: Medium 

Concerned Citizens for Animals, Greenville, SC

    864-243-4CCA (4222)

Or if you know anyone that might be interested, just leave a comment. Thanks

Friday, 18 January 2013

Formerly Feral

Hi there Magnolia (Maggie) here. I used to be a feral kitty but I don't show any tendencies very often. Sometimes I get a little scared but I get over it fast. I love to have my belleh rubbed and just snuggle in general. Feral cats are good cats.

I am just sitting here making plans for my day. Wonder what I should do next?? I will start with crossing my paws for anyone that needs it right now.
Don't forget we need some items to auction off at the auction for Sallie the dog. Just send any that you have to me ( with a picture, a short description and a starting bid.
All of us hope that all of you have a fantastic Friday.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi there, Little Bit here. We are sooooooooo thankful for bags. You can see Two Two circling, trying to this bag, the little brat.

As you can see, the brat made it into the bag. She always seems to get what she wants. We do love our bags..
Just wanted to let everyone know, I heard from Cat's (of Cats Cats) sister that Cat made it through the surgery just fine. Of course she was still a little groggy but doing all right.
 Try not to forget that we still need items for this auction 
We sure hope everyone has a great  Thursday.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Ande is home and thanks for all the purrs

Hi there Ande here with Mahoney before my surgery. I just wanted to thank everyone's many nice purrs. We know it worked because  I am all right. A little sore but all right.

This is my incision. Hope we didn't gross anyone out. It is much bigger than the Person thought it was going to be.But the good news is that the lump wasn't attached to anything so that is terrific. They did send the lump off since it was not a cyst. We won't hear the results for 4 or 5 days. 
I had a little benign growth on my nose, so they took that off too. So I am a mess. Anyway, again, both the Person and I sure do thank everyone for all the nice purrs and prayers.
The person is trying to get an auction started for the cute doggie, Sallie. Ann was going to send out emails but her computer broke. Anyway, we would like to start the auction on this coming Monday and we need items to auction if anyone has anything around their house. we sure would appreciate it. 
Sallie went the vet and it was discovered she had diabetes so she had to have some very expensive treatments and now she is blind but she is home.You can read about all this here. Sallie
To give us a item to auction, just send Marg ( an email with a picture, a short description and a starting bid. 
We sure hope all you good kitties and doggies and peeps have a great day.